Here are some brainstorm sketches for the characters. Starting with Picture 1, we have a basic example of a possible design for the male version of an anthropomorphic player character.

Picture 1. Nano organism male version.
Included are some quick motion studies (picture 2) and an idea I had that these nano-organisms have very malleable bodies, membranes, and cytoskeletons (picture 3), so they can take on this more "humanoid" form. To explain this a little more, the way that I envision these beings is that they are like amoebas. They don't have joints. Instead they use cytoplasmic projections and such to move. They swing their internal "bone" structures around like pendulums to morph themselves and propel themselves forward.
Picture 2. Leg motion study.

Picture 3. Morphing.
Amour stuff to come! Think silicone shells!
You might be able to write an entire methods paper on roll-joint locomotion!