Thursday, December 10, 2009

Finally, I find here!

Geoff! Your exciting post makes my brain can't stop at midnight....
I love the idea about immunology world.
I start to think, instead of being just one character, our hero can has his/her own lab which can build up his/her army!
The idea is from the simple game....My happy farm....I don't know why I kept on playing happy farm so long....( I agree that's a game for wasting my life...) but the whole growing some stuffs idea sounds interesting.

Say if you are a macrophage, you can be activated by come across some tumor cells when you travel to other islands, then you can build up your army A (such as a special differentiated B cell), or you can also can try to finish some tasks to get a vaccine, then you can have more types of army even before you come cross those dieases, so it can speed up your exploring process because when u meet some diseases, you may already had a specific army to fight with it because u had the vaccine!

That's my unclear midnight thinking............


  1. So are we talking about a strategy-based game? Like Age of Empires or Civilization?

    This is what I'm getting... The player controls at first a macrophage or something... then he builds more and more... And the purpose is to mount a successful immune response against whatever disease the body has.

    The goal then is to say, attack and cause acute or chronic inflammation, remove the disease, stabilize the organ or tissue. Move on to next target. Until the whole body is safe...

  2. This sounds like (Sean Wang?)'s starcraft-esque immunology game from two years ago.. which was AWESOME

    Also, for future villain weapon repertoire: free radicals!
    They'll damage your liver cell's ribosomes and endoplasmic reticulum.. leading to less protein synthesis and export of TGs and VLDLs.. and fatty liver... unless you fix the underlying virus/alcohol/drug toxin and regenerate, lay down fibrous CT, and rebuild!

    (and now the run-on sentences..)
